Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Editing update

For todays lesson we were looking at the different effects to use on the narrative sequence in order to make these shots look better and more interesting as well as separating the narrative further from the performance and adding to the dreamy effect we were intending to create through use of fade transitions. One thing that we decided on was that our narrative sequences would all have slight colour tints and each narrative would be assigned a separate colour, with the first being red, the second being blue and the final purple. We chose these colours in particular as we wanted to relate to the patriotism of the band and we chose to use purple as a symbolic representation of the band as a unit since when blue and red combine it makes the colour purple. 
We have also looked at using the effect above which is a combination of several different effects. It uses a mixture of colour balance, dazzle, solarise and a slight brightness adjustment. We liked this effect overall but realised that when we tried to use it on other shots the effects were not working and didn't look as good or give the same effect. As such we decided that this effect would be one that we use only on the elevator/lift shots as this would mean that the lift shots are slightly different and also remain consistent with each other. 

We also added in a trails effect on the lift shots in order to add some extra movement and further enforce the dreamy effect that we have attempted to create within this sequence.

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