How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
In order to answer this question I have first worked out which technology I have used then decided to write out a script detailing all of the technology I used, why I used it and what was good or bad about it. I will next record myself reading this aloud and then put a video showing a picture of each piece of technology as I mention it.
Below I have included my video.
After finishing my video and reviewing it I have realised that I didn't talk about my experience with Livetype which, as the program used to create my title sequences, is very important. When I was using livetype I found it to be difficult to work out and manage at first, it was quite confusing, but after a little while of working it out it was very effective. Though the time taken to work out how to use the program could have been better utilised if we had prior understanding of the program it still didn't take too long to work out and did create an interesting title that did what I needed it to.
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