Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Questionnaire Results

Last lesson my group compiled our questionnaire data and began looking at trends and various other pieces of useful information.We have combined aspects of our results in order to make them more useful and relevant to us in deciding on our target audience members and therefore more useful when developing our ideas. The data we have collected is a combination of Quantitative and Qualitative meaning that we have a broader selection of data results and are able to gain a better understanding of what our audience like and want to see. 
As a group we managed to collect a total of 18 responses on our questionnaires,  of these responses 16 were fans of indie music and therefore more useful to us. 
We found that 5/16 (31%) of our responses, from indie fans, were from males while 11/16 (69%) were from females this means that we should be attempting to direct our video towards females though not making it solely female directed. This is especially helpful to us since our focus group was mainly made up of females and therefore reflects our needs more, and helps us to work out how we should be making the video.
The ages of our responses were very similar fitting only within two of the categories, 15/16 (94%) of responses came from people aged 15-19 while 1/16 (6%) responses came from within the age range of, 25-29. This suggests that our video should be mainly aimed at teenagers but appeal to all those within the ages 15-30. Again our focus group reflects this as all of our participants were between the ages of 15-19.
The responses when asked whether they prefer narrative or performance in a music video, were quite evenly split. With female responses being at 50% for narrative and performance, while male responses were at 60% for narrative and 40% for performance, this shows that our video should be almost exactly half narrative and performance, so my group will need to ensure that our attention is properly divided between the two when developing ideas and when creating the video itself.

The results that we have gained from our questionnaires have been overall fairly diverse in the bands that they like as well as in gender and age. As such my group have decided that it might be better for us to present this diversity through clear presentation of the band members individual personalities using mise-en-scene. Therefore we intend to, through the band members costume in the performance, present a different character for each member and therefore subverting the typical characteristics of the indie genre in which bands are presented as a unit rather than individuals. We feel that presenting the individual personalities will appeal to fans as it will give a more personal effect and create a bigger sense of relation between audience and band, also presenting the diverse nature of the audience themselves symbolically.  

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